Thursday, 26 July 2018

Canada Spouse Work Permit: A Visa Making Distances Momentary

Has your spouse recently moved to Canada? Are you not able to handle this separation from them? If you too are looking for a way to make distances between you and your spouse momentary one then you should know about spouse work permit for Canada. The spouse dependent work permit allows you to be with your spouse in Canada where they can invite you to be in Canada on their study permit or work permit and which allows you to work on a legal basis as well as on full-time i.e. 40 hours/week. Also, you can spend time with them while you are in Canada and support them financially.

Canada spouse work permit visa can be availed on fulfilling certain eligibility criteria according to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). The visa issued to you is valid for the similar duration as that of your spouse’s study permit or work permit in Canada. For instance, if your spouse has got study permit in Canada of 2 years then you will be getting spouse dependent work permit of 2 years as well. Also, the visa can be extended by extending the visa of the spouse. For instance, if your spouse extends their visa from study permit to post-study work permit then accordingly you can also apply for Canada spouse work permit extension. Well, here is the list of the minimum criteria that you should meet in order to become eligible.

ü  The first criteria that you should complete is both you and your spouse should be minimum 18 years of age.
ü  The second criteria is that your spouse should show sufficient funds in order to invite you on Canada spouse visa.
ü  The third minimum condition that you should meet is that you must show sufficient proofs in order to prove your relationship to the visa officer.

Well, there are other conditions which need to be met in order before applying for spouse work permit for Canada such as medical clearance and more. After completion of the criteria, you need to fill the spouse dependent work permit application and submit the necessary set of documents in order to gain the visa.

Now, you must be having this question in mind that what is Canada spouse work permit processing time? The spouse work permit application processing time depends on the country that you’re applying from and the inflow of applications with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). For instance, Indians are a very big community who travel to Canada every year for various purposes. So, if you are applying for Canada spouse work permit from India then you can expect that your application will be processed in an average time of 12 weeks.

Now, to apply for Canada spouse work permit you might be considering the possibility of visiting a visa consultant from where you can get the respective visa service. But, in this contemporary age, taking out time for such situations can become a hassle for you. So, to remove this hassle, Canada Spouse Visa is an online portal where experts offer services of Canada spouse work permit in an easy online manner. Moreover, the experts guide you about spouse work permit; help you understand the eligibility requirements, the procedure for visa application and documentation at a rational fee. To avail their service, you can visit them at

Friday, 13 July 2018

3 Things to Know Before Sponsoring Your Spouse to Immigrate to Canada

Spouse Immigration Visa is one of the visa categories offered by IRCC to candidates who are staying in Canada on PR status and want to sponsor their spouse to immigrate to Canada. Canada Spouse Immigration falls under the Family Sponsorship Class where a permanent resident can sponsor his/her spouse, dependent children and parents to immigrate to Canada. Although Canada High Commission has relaxed the policy for Spouse dependent permanent resident there are still some protocols which need to be followed in the correct manner. Well, here are a few things that you should see before sponsoring your spouse.

A permanent resident should check before sponsoring his/her spouse for Spouse PR in Canada that whether he/she is eligible to become a sponsor. The basic requirements that the candidate should check before becoming a sponsor are:
ü  He/she must be 18 years of age for sponsoring a spouse for Canada spouse immigration.
ü  He/she must be a permanent resident living in Canada.
ü  He/she must be able to convince the visa officer that he/she is not receiving any nature of social assistance from any government organization.
ü  He/she must be able to provide all the basic needs to his/her spouse and dependent children in case they are sponsored as well.

A permanent resident should check his/her funding before sponsoring his/her spouse for Canada spouse immigration. Moreover, he/she has to show income proofs to the visa officer which justifies that he/she will be able to financially support his/her spouse in Canada and dependent children. If you want to know which documents are required to prove your financial stability you can contact our experts.

Before sponsoring your spouse a permanent resident should make sure that he/she does not commit the following flaws:
ü  If the sponsor has failed to pay an immigration loan, a performance bond, family support payments.
ü  If the sponsor has failed to provide basic needs to a former-sponsored relative who received social assistance.
ü  If the sponsor has a negative history with the relatives where there were cases of physical violence with the relatives or attempt or threat to commit such offence was done by the sponsor then chances of getting spouse immigration for Canada are less.

There are other requirements as well which need to be fulfilled while filing an application for spouse immigration visa which is meant to be fulfilled by your spouse and necessary documents are needed to be submitted along with it. Once the criteria are fulfilled your file is submitted to CIC where it is evaluated. Now, you must be wondering about Canada spouse immigration processing time? If everything submitted is appropriate then your spouse immigration application will be processed in an average of 8-10 months where your spouse or common-law-partner will get PR directly. In contrast to this, the processing time can increase based on your application as well as the inflow of applications with CIC during that particular duration. So, you should visit an expert who can assist you in such cases.

One of the experts when it comes to spouse immigration cases are which is an online portal where you can relevant guidance in the spouse immigration application such as the eligibility criteria and the documents required to fulfill the criteria.

Friday, 6 July 2018

Top 5 Tips To Make Your Canada Spouse Visa Hassle Free

Dependent visa can waste a lot of your time and make it a hassle for you if everything does not go as planned. Canada has relaxed its stringent nature in terms of dependent visa but that does not mean that you can fool the Canada High Commission. There are certain ground rules that you should maintain when you apply for dependent visa. Here, are top 5 tips that make your Canada Spouse Visa hassle free when you apply for one.

If you are not the pro at dependent visa application or don’t know how to apply you must visit an expert. It is one of the primary things that you should be looking forward. An expert, based on your situation as well as the main applicant’s status in Canada would suggest you to apply for the particular type of dependent visa. For instance, if your husband is in Canada on a post-study work permit and you want to meet him/her early then you can apply for visitor visa which gets processed quickly. Similarly, the experts hold your hand and make sure that you come out of the visa office by getting that stamp on your passport.

Now, you have visited the expert for spouse visa Canada then, the next step you should be doing is following the expert’s advice by making sure that you have the proper documents. The expert will explain to you and your sponsor that what all documents are needed to be submitted for Canada spouse visa to the Canada High Commission. Well, if the documents are proper fewer chances of rejection can be there.

The experts also guide you and your sponsor about the eligibility of the Canada spouse visa by informing you about the various rules and regulations of the immigration committees and councils. Moreover, they are the people who keep themselves updated when it comes to such matters and help you in understanding your eligibility through their assessment methods such as stimulation of visa interviews and more.

The expert’s advice you not to maintain a negative record and involve yourself in activities that can possess a threat to your Canada spouse visa. Also, no indulgence in such activities during the visa application and visa processing is recommended by the experts as this can turn out in rejection.

The Spousal sponsorship in Canada can become a long process if your application is not submitted in a proper manner. Also, the processing time is generally of minimum 6 months and maximum can go up to the case.

Canada Spouse visa is one league of experts that have achieved success stories even in the difficult cases. Visit them at earliest for spouse visa issues.